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Consultation - Cycleway 4.2 Western Avenue to Llandaff PDF Print E-mail
Cardiff City Council have opened a consultation on a Cycleway route connecting with Cycleway 4.1 which connects the City Centre to Western Avenue. Cycleway 4.2 will extend this as far as the former BBC Llandaff vehicle entrance on Llantrisant Road, with the intention of extending the Cycleway to Plasdŵr and beyond in the future. The consultation document can be found here
20 metre 5G mobile telephone mast in Llantrisant Road – now a New Site on Danescourt Way PDF Print E-mail

Update 10 April 2021

The pre-planning application has been refused, with the recommendations –

Recommendation 1: That Prior Approval is REQUIRED for reason that: The appearance and siting of the development would have a significant impact upon its surroundings.

Recommendation 2: That Prior Approval be REFUSED for reason that: The appearance and siting of the development would have an adverse impact upon local amenity and the character of the surrounding residential area, particularly the adjoining residential dwelling at No. 1 Heol Urban


UPDATE   8 January 2021


Telefonica-O2 have lodged a pre-planning application, reference, PRAP/21/00005/MNR, with Cardiff Council, to site the 20 metre mast on Danescourt Way, between the path to Douglas Close and Heol Urban. this is an update to the previous application, which has been withdrawn.

Planning documents are available at –


Last Updated on Saturday, 10 April 2021 16:13
DCA Response to post-Covid Wlesh government Recovery and Reconstruction Plan PDF Print E-mail

The Welsh Government has been consulting on a post-Covid recovery and reconstruction plan.  You can read more about it here

This is a contributiuon to the consulation from Edgar Gibbs on behalf of the DCA


Dear Julie
I am writing on behalf of the Danescourt Community Association, Cardiff.
I apologise for the slight delay in getting this response to you.  I hope you will still consider the following.
Rebuilding after COVID-19
  1. There needs to be a review of transportation in the light of home working and reluctance to use public transport and the need for an alternative.
  2. The use of privately owned care homes will hopefully be faded out and new care homes will need to be built and where appropriate old ones refurbished. This rebuilding work to be undertaken by a not for profit organisation jointly managed by the Welsh Government and the Local Authorities.
  3. Properties in need of refurbishment are bought by developers and refurbished making high levels of profit. The properties should be purchased by the Welsh Government/Council, possibly in partnership with developers and refurbished to prove “individual” council houses using any profits made for reinvesting into the scheme.
  4. The Council should set up a Development Corporation with Compulsory Purchase Powers to purchase land and properly co-ordinate and develop housing, transportation, and the metro line.
  5. The Council should help rebuild the mental health of young people by educating them on health, pandemic issues and care of the elderly. Youth clubs and new start need funding and importantly places to meet. Refurbishing old halls and meeting places could provide jobs as well.
I trust you find the suggestions helpful.
Edgar Gibbs BSc,CEng, MICE
Chair of Danescourt Community Association, Cardiff
Save Our Woods PDF Print E-mail

Planning Application 20/00187/MJR for 45 Dwellings accessed via de Braose Close has been updated to 36 Dwellings.


68 documents were added by the developers this February, many about details of the revised dwellings plus revised editions of previous documents and details of a Community Woodland proposal.

Previous comments and objections will still be considered, however please review them and submit updated comments and objections before 12 March 2021.

The planning application documents can be accessed by this link https://planningonline.cardiff.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=documents&keyVal=_CARDIFF_DCAPR_130069

Comments/objections can be sent via Email to developmentcontrol@cardiff.gov.uk quoting the planning application reference number, or by registering to submit comments.


The Danescourt Community Association objection in February 2020 can be read here.

The Danescourt Community Association objection in March 2021 can be read here.

The Save our Woods campaign has a new petition objecting to this planning application, to be completed by 14 March, at https://saveourwoods.org/new-petition/

Further information can also be found on the ‘Save our Woods’ website at https://saveourwoods.org/welcome/

Last Updated on Saturday, 10 April 2021 16:21
Cardiff Bus Service Changes January 2020 PDF Print E-mail

On Monday the 27th January, Cardiff Bus are implementing a new timetable for the 62/63/63A services. The service to and from Danescourt to the City Centre will be similar at 3 per hour during office hours Monday to Friday. The Radyr 63 service is reduced to 2 per hour at 20/40 minute intervals and a new 1 per hour 62 bus which goes from Heol Seddon along Llantrisant Road and terminates in Rhydlafar Drive will be introduced.

For detailed information see the Cardiff Bus website

Last Updated on Tuesday, 14 January 2020 20:16

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